Here is what i have done so far…
1 - (the changes done to support the new ToastWindow)
2 - (New FontStyle parameter added to ZD_GetTextBound, and ZI_CreateTextObject)
3 - (to put into the Reader skin folder)
The Toast button is for test purpose only, so far the code timer has not been yet implemented.
To display a new Toast message just use something like this
WCHAR UseIcon[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; Path_Combine(UseIcon, skSkinFolder(), L"bulb.png");
ToastWindow(UseIcon, L"Caption", L"first text line.\nsecond text line very long, very very long, i said very long!\netc.");Of course we can use any other icon, like ICON_info.png or ICON_alert.png
I hope there is nothing missing in the zip(s)