There is clearly a misunderstood, the compressor is not intended to be inside of OR.
But i need an external compressor utility to convert the .rtf file or whatever to create the compressed file.
About my code, i already told you that compression based on the ntdll was part of WinLIFT, i just have to export the functions.
Also you told me that the rtf format i was using was not looking good on Seven, thus i thought that you wanted to stay with the HH solution that is chm based.
I have no problem using HH into OR.
And i am looking forward for your linuxoid HUFF compression, that i will gladly use if it produces smaller and faster binary files.
I see no competition there, but a panel of choices for our finger tips.
As i told you before your holidays, i wanted for long to have my own custom help solution based on RTF, because i always found the creation of .chm files a tedious process, even with the help of
Vizaac Helpmaker that i have used for years (they seem to have disappeared now from the net).
Adding compression to rtf, was part of my Help white paper, in order to keep the files small, and to avoid unsolicited edition of the provided documentation.
And to enforce the security i plan to use the same kind of header signature, borrowed to my WinLIFT's ".ski" files to protect the components inside of my commercial skin package collection.
This is also what i am doing with my fly audio files that are an OGG encrypted format, to be played only with FlyWorship.