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Have a look at this GDImage/WinLIFT example

Click on the colored balls (red, green, blue) to rotate the main gauge object.
And press on the chrome buttons to fire the weapons...

GDImage, is one of the very few graphic library able to work in full composited mode.

Hi there,

I wonder, after looking at some examples with the demo, it seems that this lib work very great with images (aka sprite ?). I wonder if this lib could be use to make some mini games with sprite manipulation for example ?
Documentation is huge but interresting. I continue to get into it to understand how it works.

Thank you for your future answers !
64-bit SDK programming / Password book
« Last post by Patrice Terrier on May 15, 2023, 01:48:24 pm »
This is a small {database} utility I wrote to quickly save/retrieve my passwords.

This version is using Visual Studio 2022,
and the size of the resulting standalone 64-bit EXE is only 18944 bytes (19 Kb)...

64-bit SDK programming / GDplus VS 2022 version
« Last post by Patrice Terrier on May 12, 2023, 05:49:51 pm »
Shao Voon Wong

Here is the version converted to VS 2022 (without using wstring)

Note: wstring requires the xstring include file definition.
Questions & Comments about GDImage / GDImage/WinLIFT videos
« Last post by Patrice Terrier on May 12, 2023, 11:24:44 am »
Here is a link to a video tutorials, showing the old GDImage version 5 running 32-bit PowerBASIC code
GDImage Youtube video

And another one about the WinLIFT Skin Engine, that was written at the very end of the last century ;)
WinLIFT Youtube video

Videos produced by "GSF Software" from UK.
The 3D Model Collection / Frazer Nash Super Sport 1929
« Last post by Patrice Terrier on May 10, 2023, 02:53:26 pm »
The original blender model has been created by Kuarif.

This version has been converted and reworked to use a specific ObjReader texture set, and custom materials.

The 3D Model Collection / Take off
« Last post by Patrice Terrier on April 04, 2023, 02:58:36 pm »
Take off

"Beauty and the Beast"

Note: Attachments are only available to registered users.
The 3D Model Collection / Panorama
« Last post by Patrice Terrier on March 14, 2023, 05:48:59 pm »
Spherical panorama 360

The 3D Model Collection / Ferrari 550 Maranello barchetta
« Last post by Patrice Terrier on March 03, 2023, 11:34:37 am »
Ferrari 550 Maranello barchetta

Based on the low-poly model posted by Alex.Ka on Sketchfab.

Reworked to high polygon mode with C4D R21 to match the ObjReader specifications.

The concept / GDImage64 WinDev tutorial
« Last post by Patrice Terrier on February 22, 2023, 01:24:21 pm »
The purpose of this  64-bit tutorial application, written in WD17, is to explains how to use the GDImage's advanced features within a WinDev application.

There are 8 windows, each one must be started in turn as the first window in order to run the matching example.

If you have questions about this project you can post them here.
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