Thank you for the new converted models, especially Fire that is one of my favorite.
You're welcome! But those are not straight-forward clear and concise plain old solid models. Those sines and cosines, fracts and smoothsteps are something far more ephemeral and unfriendly to the user.

You can grab the music yourself with AudioCap while playing the shader, then convert the resulting WAV file into OGG (with Audacity).
Unfortunately, your AudioCap3 fails to either capture or monitor anything on my W7 box.
In the
Capture to Wave mode, it records an empty file and there's nothing but a straight line with a running marker in the "oscilliscope" window.

Moreover, it simply quits when I try to re-select the
Monitoring only option.

And last but not least, it crashes wildly when I click the
Change destination button.

That means I'm unable to experiment with your WINMM code in my dev environment and also that we shouldn't rely on it in ObjReader either.

That said, can you still spare me 3 minutes of your time once mowing is over, and capture that .WAV file for me from the beginning to the end, please?