1. Can the control run completely unskinned including the top and bottom splitters and the top thumbnail strip?
Yes, and the top and bottom splitters are indeed custom buttons.
2. Can the little widget with the zoom slider on the right be placed in a separate window (e.g. tool window) together with the other controls of UV editor?
It is already an anchored tool window, that you can move everywhere.
3. Can you add yet another layer (what you call a "sprite") on top of the texture map main display and draw an array of lines in it to demonstrate the synchronicity of both layers' zoom factor as the slider in the little widget is dragged left or right?
It could work just the same to what you can do with the GDplus project, see the bottom control using the green open polyline with the red dots that are used as hot spots to change the shape of the polyline, the red dots are indeed an array of x,y locations.
Inside of a GDImage zoom control all the tedious computation work is done transparently and you always refer to the array with ratio 1/1, it means using the real pixel location value.
As i told you already i would cannibalise the gMap64 project, to create the OR specific edit control, because it has already 90% of what we need to do in OR (at least in my understatement of what must be done).
I could customize the code to create the array of point using multiple mouse clicks to setup the hot spot following a specfic UV shape, then ask to create the polypolygon from the array, but the final sprite array will be flatten only when we ask for saving, and untill there we can change everything. Clear as mud?
There is also a specific contextual menu inside of gMap64, and we need it too, see the attached video.
See also the use of the green markers that could be used to create the array of points.
I have added another video to show you the synchronicity, the little widget being also a GDImage control, and the RED rectangle inside of it, is a vectorial polypolygon that i can drag around to move the main view port accordingly