My friend
As you know it, i am reworking all the models without exception before posting them on our forum, thus if one doesn't fit into our existing paradigm is doesn't figure into the collection.
And Tor should also be made ready to display not only tile 0, but also the entire cross of tiles with the UV map extending from physical tile 0 into the surrounding virtual tiles.
About Harley-quinn, the original UV map is preserved even after editing the texCoord (or the changes won't work), thus i don't think that we must spend too much time on this, as long as the editor allows us to edit the WYSIWYG part.
As you can see in the code below,
i am restoring the floor part of the textCoord before updating.
long idx = gnm_indexBuffer[gT.wasIndex];
// SetTexCoordinate
rx = gtm_vertexBuffer[idx].texCoord[0] - rxCoord(idx);
ry = gtm_vertexBuffer[idx].texCoord[1] - ryCoord(idx);
gtm_vertexBuffer[idx].texCoord[0] = rx + float(gT.wasX / float(nW - 1));
gtm_vertexBuffer[idx].texCoord[1] = ry + float(1.0f - float(gT.wasY / float(nH - 1)));I made these changes to use your
fast_fmodf, but i can't see any measurable speed enhancement
float rxCoord(IN long idx) {
return gtm_vertexBuffer[idx].texCoord[0] - ((int)(gtm_vertexBuffer[idx].texCoord[0] / 1.0f)) * 1.0f;
//return gtm_vertexBuffer[idx].texCoord[0] - floor(gtm_vertexBuffer[idx].texCoord[0]);
float ryCoord(IN long idx) {
return gtm_vertexBuffer[idx].texCoord[1] - ((int)(gtm_vertexBuffer[idx].texCoord[1] / 1.0f)) * 1.0f;
//return gtm_vertexBuffer[idx].texCoord[1] - floor(gtm_vertexBuffer[idx].texCoord[1]);