Once a sprite object has the focus, it could be moved with the arrow keys by pixel units, this is more accurate than with the mouse.
That's all right but in real practice, still a lot can be done by picking the vertex projection rect (in fact its UV point) with LMB and dragging it around with the mouse. We do not
always need pixel-perfect placement. We must have a choice of working either with the mouse or arrow keys
at our own option.
However the ultimate precision will be always 1 pixel unit, as long as a texture is concerned…
That is not correct.

The ultimate precision will always be 1
texel which is 1 texture pixel
times the texture zoom ratio
times the OpenGL current texture screen space projection mini- or magnification factor
times sub-pixel stretch due to i) multisampling, ii) anisotropic correction, and iii) color interpolation across OpenGL viewport screen pixels.
That's why I insist on being able to see the results of my UV work in real time immediately in the main render window.

And you can select several sprites with the CTRL key and move them all with the mouse.
The notion of "sprites" is alien to my ears in this context.
I am going to work with vertex UVs which are point projections of 3D vertices onto the flat tex map plane. I need to be able to pick a point (a pair of UV coords) or a group of points by mouse pointing-and-clicking, or freehand rect and/or lasso area selection. Point selection is done by sensing if the mouse pointer hits the UV box color (cyan in the snapshots I provided) under the mouse. The UVs will be stored in 2D UV arrays.
Where do you want to squeeze your "sprites" (layers?) in this scenario?