My friend
What to do if the texCoord are not within the range 0.0f to 1.0f
See the attachment, when trying to display the Harley Quinn model
example of vt from the HQ.obj
vt -0.05420000106096 1.62569999694824 0
vt -0.08179999887943 1.60469996929169 0
vt -0.07450000196695 1.651899933815 0
vt -0.02749999985099 1.64749991893768 0
vt -0.11209999769926 1.63160002231598 0
vt -0.04580000042915 1.68409991264343 0
vt 1.3798999786377 1.87689995765686 0
vt 1.36230003833771 1.85829997062683 0
vt 1.38380002975464 1.85710000991821 0
vt 1.3643000125885 1.83739995956421 0
vt 1.38769996166229 1.83589994907379 0
vt 1.36619997024536 1.81639993190765 0
vt 1.39160001277924 1.81459999084473 0
# 2258 texture coordinates
Of course the computation of the resulting x,y coordinates are totaly wrong