My friend,
You really did your best to render the glowing parts as good as ObjReader only can ATM.
But there are other faults that need correction before the model goes into the Collection.
All normal maps need inversion. The armor seams are rendered incorrectly (recessed rather than popping up).
2. Please remember that
Ns is
glossiness rather than roughness. The brighter the gloss map, the more glossy (shiny, metal-like) the parts should look. Conversely, roughness is the inverse of glossiness; the brighter the map, the less metallic (more plastic) the parts should look. That means all the
roughness maps should also be inverted before application, especially in the absence of specular maps.
I can prove that with artifacts in your model but I'm too lazy to do so at 12 p.m. Just take my word that all the normal maps should be inverted in CrazyBump, and roughness maps, in Photoshop, to make the model look correct. I'd also increase the scene lighting to 70% to make the armor look more shiny metallic.