ORDLL64.dllAllow the use of the ObjReader API inside any 64-bit programming language.
Note: Bass.dll (
www.un4seen.com) is a prerequisite to play audio animations.
ORDLL64 constants#define NVIDIA 1
#define ATI 2
#define INTEL 3
#define ALPHA 1
#define DEMO 2
#define PLAYAUDIO 3
#define SYNCAUDIO 4
#define ANIMATION 5
#define FPS 6
#define TURBO 7
#define NOSYNC 8
#define LOADED 9991
#define ENABLED 9992
#define CHECKED 9993
#define AUDIO_VOL 9994
#define LOADING 9995
#define TIMER 9996
#define FOCUS 9997API listOR_CreateWindow(IN DWORD dwExStyle, IN HWND hParent, IN DWORD dwStyle, IN long x, IN long y, IN long w, IN long h, IN HMENU CtrlID);
Create the OR OpenGL window, could be either a child or a popup window (WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW).
Detect between NVIDIA, ATI, INTEL.
Return an unicode string about the GPU being used.
Return an unicode string about the model being displayed.
Restore the model size and location to its default state.
Return the audio volume setting.
OR_SetAudioVolume(IN long nVolume);
(Bass.dll) adjust the audio level.
OR_ProcessCommandLine(IN WCHAR* lpCmdLine);
Select a specific .obj file or a model folder, using a full qualified path.
Return the number of vertices used by the model.
Return the number of triangles used by the model.
Return the number of indices used by the model.
Return the number of meshes used by the model.
Return the number of materials used by the model.
Return the size of the .obj file.
Return the ellapsed time to load the model in memory.
Return the DLL version number.
OR_TimerEnable(IN BOOL enable);
Set to TRUE, if you want to use the OR sync timer (see the marquee text in the ORV64 demo project)
OR_SetSwapInterval(IN BOOL bUseInterval);
This is an advanced API
bUseInterval = 1 (Turbo mode, that is the default)
bUseInterval = 2 (Standard mode)
bUseInterval = 0 (no wait state, maximum GPU speed, requires the use of a GPU cooler fan)
New in Version 3.00.06OR_ObjFileName();
Return an unicode string with the name of the active .obj file.
Return the GPU memory percentage used by the application.
Return the CPU memory percentage used by the application.
Return the last tick used by the OR sync timer.
Note: You must use the OrResource folder aside the ORDLL64.dll.
The .LIB file is inside the ORDLL64.7z attachment.Updated to version 3.00.05 on 03-09-2020
Updated to version 3.00.06 on 03-24-2020