This is the PowerBASIC 32-bit version.Much of advanced stuffs in the source code.
- Anchor properties.
- NCHITTEST emulation.
- GetBitmapFromFile (to replace LoadImage %LR_LOADFROMFILE).
- "STATIC" %SS_NOTIFY using flat button image.
- Use of dynamic Region.
- System caption emulation.
- RegisterWindowMessage to communicate with the embedded browser.
- CreateBrowserProcess to embed/capture another window on the fly.
You can post your questions or comments about this beta version in this thread.
History:06-10-2020 version 1.03
First PowerBASIC release
06-13-2020 version 1.04
cfg.defaultURL parameter to open a specific URL (rather than Bing) when clicking on
+ to open a new tab.
07-03-2020 version 1.07
Unlimited URL short cuts selection, using horizontal scrolling.
Random wallpaper image when closing the last TAB.
New WV2B.exe 32-bit custom browser engine.
07-29-2020 version 1.08
New PocessTerminate function
to get rid of potential orphan process when running the 32-bit project for the first time.
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