The WD17+ version 1.08 is attached to the first post of this thread. (WV2B_17_(1_08).zip)
What is new:
The ProcessBrowerMessage procedure (WM_SETTEXT message) is used to find out the content of the navigation control when a new URL is entered by the user.
PROCEDURE ProcessBrowserMessage(uMsg is unsigned int, wParam is unsigned int, lParam is system int)
// Beta version 1.03
IF wParam = WM_NCDESTROY THEN // Last Browser TAB is closing
DeleteObject(gP.hRgn); gP.hRgn = 0
SetWindowRgn(gP.hMain, gP.hRgn, False)
IF BTN_Undock..Visible THEN
Browser_Template..Y += gP.dock_offset // Beta version 1.03
Browser_Template..Height -= gP.dock_offset // Beta version 1.03
BTN_Undock..Visible = False
BTN_Dock..Visible = True
ELSE IF wParam = WM_SETTEXT THEN // version 1.08
FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS is system int = 0x000F0000 | 0x0001 | 0x0002 | 0x0004 | 0x0008 | 0x0010
hMapFile is system int = API(KERNEL32, "OpenFileMappingA", FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, False, "WV2B_MF")
IF (hMapFile) THEN
BUF_SIZE is int = MAX_PATH * 2
pBuf is system int = API(KERNEL32, "MapViewOfFile", hMapFile, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, BUF_SIZE)
IF (pBuf) THEN
Trace(StringRetrieve(pBuf, srUNICODEAddress))
// Pour refuser l'URL (contrôle parental par exemple)
// utiliser MG_CANCEL ci_dessous
//SendMessageA(gP.hBrowser, gP.Msg, MG_CANCEL, 0)
API(KERNEL32, "UnmapViewOfFile", pBuf)
API(KERNEL32, "CloseHandle", hMapFile)
uMsg = uMsg; wParam = wParam; lParam = lParam
If you download this update, don't forget that even a small donation encourages me to maintain and develop this project.
Le fichier WV2B_17_(1_08).zip correspondant à la version 1.08 est attaché au premier post de ce fil de discussion.
Ce qui est nouveau:
La procédure ProcessBrowerMessage (message WM_SETTEXT) permet de connaître le contenu du champ navigation lorsqu'une nouvelle URL est saisie par l'utilisateur.
Si vous téléchargez cette mise à jour, n'oubliez pas qu'une donation même minime m'encourage à maintenir et faire évoluer ce projet.