Author Topic: BassBox Radio (more than 33000 internet radio)  (Read 18568 times)

Patrice Terrier

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BassBox Radio (more than 33000 internet radio)
« on: June 27, 2016, 04:19:03 pm »
BassBox Radio

  • Is a "net radio" player, offering a list of more than 33000 stations updated to 2016.
  • A skinned interface with a choice of 9 themes, and many wallpaper backgrounds.
  • 17 dedicated OpenGL plugins to create visual animations in real time.
  • A 10 tracks equalizer.
  • Multiple FX: Reverb, Chorus, Flanger, Echo, and sound Rotation.
  • Custom favorite PlayList.

The "Radio" tab

The "Atmosphere" tab

The "PlayList" tab

The "Theme" tab

Note: The ZIP attachment is only available to registered users.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2022, 09:31:38 am by Patrice Terrier »
(Always working with the latest Windows version available...)

Patrice Terrier

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BassBox Radio (version 3.00)
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2022, 02:05:08 pm »
This is the release version 3.00 of BassBox Radio

What is new
  • Brand new stations.lst file using the character "|" as delimiter rather than TAB.
  • stations.lst is using a utf8 BOM to display correctly language specific characters.
  • The list is using 30383 radio stations, updated to the date of june 2022.
  • The informations provided are : RadioID, Name, Url, Homepage, Favicon, Country, Tags, Codec, Bitrate.
  • Extension supported: mp3, ogg, flac, acc, m3u, asx, pls, m3u8.
  • Diplay the Radio station logo image when available.

The binary has been created with WD17, to limit the size of the WD framework,
however the source code should be compatible with newer versions.

Note: UPX has been used to further reduce the disk size of the WD framework.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2022, 09:37:37 am by Patrice Terrier »
(Always working with the latest Windows version available...)

Patrice Terrier

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    • zapsolution
BassBox Radio (version 3.10)
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2022, 03:23:10 pm »

Version 3.10

Ce qui est nouveau :

Le bouton "Check Radio stations" disponible depuis l'onglet "Playlist",
permet de tester les stations en décodant uniquement le flux audio.
La temporisation maximum est de 5 secondes, pour éviter les latences illimitées.

Le nom des stations validées est ajouté à la liste du bas qui sert à créer une liste personnalisée.
Ce processus peut être long, mais il peut être interrompu en cliquant à nouveau sur le bouton, dès que son intitulé affiche le compteur de progression.
En cas d'interruption, veuillez sauvegarder la liste sous un nom explicite, pour vous permettre de reprendre le traitement ultérieurement.
Un fichier nommé "LCount.txt" est créé dans le dossier "EXE", il contient le numéro du dernier lien valide.

Reprise du traitement :

Si le fichier "LCount.txt" existe, le programme vous propose de reprendre le traitement là ou il a été interrompu.
Utilisez d'abord le bouton "Open List" pour sélectionner le fichier préalablement enregistré que vous voulez compléter.
Et répondre par la négative lorsque le programme propose d'effacer la liste,
les nouvelles stations validées sont ajoutées à la liste existante, qui doit être à nouveau sauvegardée en fin de traitement
ou en cas de nouvelle interruption.

Note : zTrace est utilisé pour afficher le nom des stations que BassBox Radio n'arrive pas à détecter.
Le dossier "EXE\playlist" contient un fichier nommé "checked.upl" contenant une liste testée à la date du 25/06/2022.

Version 3.10

Which is new:

The "Check Radio stations" button available from the "Playlist" tab,
allows you to test stations by decoding only the audio stream.
The maximum delay is 5 seconds, to avoid unlimited waits.

The name of the validated stations is added to the bottom list which is used to create a personalized list.
This process can be long, but it can be interrupted as soon as the button label displays the progress counter.
In case of interruption, please save the list under an explicit name, to allow you to resume processing later.
A file named "LCount.txt" is created in the "EXE" folder, it contains the number of the last valid link.

Resumption of treatment:

If the "LCount.txt" file exists, the program offers to resume processing where it was interrupted.
First use the "Open List" button to select the previously saved file that you want to complete.
And answer negatively when the program proposes to erase the list,
the new validated stations are added to the existing list, which must be saved again at the end of processing
or in the event of a new interruption.

Note: zTrace is used to display the names of stations that BassBox Radio cannot detect.
The "EXE\playlist" folder contains a file named "checked.upl" containing a list tested as of 06/25/2022.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2022, 09:59:31 am by Patrice Terrier »
(Always working with the latest Windows version available...)