I just post a new version of the
PNGanim.exe utility to display and adjust the
animation speed of
New feature:- Frame count display
Fix:- To avoid unespected resizing when moving the PNGanim.exe window to the edges.
Handling of WM_MOVING message has been added, to keep the window within the bounds of the working area
pMM = (MINMAXINFO*) lParam;
pMM->ptMinTrackSize.x = gP.MinTrackSizeW;
pMM->ptMinTrackSize.y = gP.MinTrackSizeH;
return 0;
case WM_MOVING: // Keep the window into the working area
hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(hWnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
lpr = (RECT*) lParam;
if (lpr->top < 0) { lpr->top = 0; }
lpr->right = lpr->left + gP.MinTrackSizeW;
lpr->bottom = lpr->top + gP.MinTrackSizeH;
tmi.cbSize = sizeof(tmi);
if (GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &tmi)) {
if (lpr->bottom > tmi.rcWork.bottom) {
lpr->bottom = tmi.rcWork.bottom;
lpr->top = lpr->bottom - gP.MinTrackSizeH;
return 1;
You can get the new version
there.If you have questions or comments about it, please post them here.