About the Canary Bay project
I first wrote this project to retrieve music meta-data from the internet, and add cover art album to my audio file collection.
(They are stored in the "EXE\CoverArt" folder)
But soon it becomes obvious that i could turn it into a multi-purpose browser utility, with the help of the new Microsoft WebView2Browser based on chromium.
Fortunatly the WebView2Browser was a native application written in C++, rather than an IL .NET C# project that i dislike because of its huge framework overhead, and because it is IL code (Intermediate Language = same concept used by the WinDev p-code).
I made a custom version of the C++ source code, to let the brower work as a standalone or as an embedded slave application.
The slave application is what is being used in "Canary Bay".
I am using a region to embed/capture the browser on the fly, and make it work alike a WinDev internal window.
This part of the code is done in low level procedural coding style, using directly the native Windows SDK API.
The whole GUI is just plain WinDev code, i keep using WD17 rather than WD25 to limit the size of the framework.